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Please see below our latest Ofsted report from 2019. You can also access all reports here.

 Some highlights:

'Cherry Grove is a happy and safe school where pupils behave extremely well.'

'School leaders have high expectations of pupils. This is reflected in the school’s broad curriculum and the high-quality work that is displayed around the school.'

'Parents and carers are very positive about the school. They appreciate the wide range of opportunities that the school provides for pupils, both within and outside of the school day.'

'Pupils have a strong sense of pride in their school. They enjoy school and enjoy learning. '

'Children settle happily into the Nursery and Reception classes. Staff use the well-designed curriculum to make learning meaningful and fun.'

'Early reading is taught well. Children learn about phonics from their very first days in school. Teachers keep a close check on how well children are progressing.'

'Leaders have worked with teachers to create detailed plans for each subject in the curriculum.'

'Pupils develop good attitudes to learning.'

'Leadership is effective and staff are proud to work at the school. Those who responded to the staff survey said that they feel valued for the hard work they do. '