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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Looking after our Mental Health and Wellbeing is of crucial importance, to keep everyone safe and well.

We have 2 fully trained Senior Mental Health Leads in school, and we subscribe to the Our Way of Working Approach which ensures a trauma-informed stance on working with children and families. Mrs Campbell is a trained Counsellor and Mrs Hughes (Pastoral Manager) is a trained ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and drawing and talking specialist.

We always participate in Mental Health weeks in school, and hold assemblies and activities to help promote mental health e.g. yoga, mindfulness.

For families, Mrs Hughes is also trained to run sessions in reducing parental conflict (e.g. parenting styles) via One Plus One, Next Step (which aims to assist children and young people to communicate on their own terms) and Youth Connect 5 which is aimed to support families of our older pupils.

Please see additional Pupil and Staff Wellbeing approaches here: