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At Cherry Grove, we place high value on reading and aim to develop a love of reading from a very young age. Through guided reading and guided comprehension we encourage all children to develop excellent literacy skills for lifelong learning.


 Reading Curriculum  in Cherry Grove Primary

reading in cherry grove.pdf


further information reading.pdf


 Pathways to Read

Pathways to Read covers reading comprehension and vocabulary development within the mastery approach and divides the national curriculum into three sections: ongoing skills, core skills and mastery skills. The planning ensures a consistent approach to reading across the school with clear progression of skills. 

The end of year expectations for reading for each of our year groups is in the attached document below.

p2r website skills y1 y6.pdf


Teachers use formative assessment to identify any gaps in the children’s knowledge or skills and teach these accordingly. Summative assessments are also used termly. Children at risk of not meeting expectations or who aren’t making sufficient progress are given additional support through extra 1:1 reading sessions and fluency intervention.  Parents will be informed if their children are not making the expected progress in reading.

Children in Key Stage 2 that still require phonics teaching, continue with a specially tailored RWI programme to meet their individual needs:

  • Year 3 (working below age related expectations) will continue on the core Read, Write, Inc program.
  • Years 4, 5 and 6 (working below) will be given Fast Start sessions daily. 

Progression of reading and comprehension in EYFS 

eyfs reading comprehension.pdf


 Recommended Reads


Year 6 Recommended Reads 

Year 5 Recommended Reads 

Year 4 Recommended Reads 

Year 3 Recommended Reads 

Year 2 Recommended Reads

Year 1 Recommended Reads

Reception Recommended Reads

Nursery Recommended Reads